How the Israeli State spits on American Jews
(Karaism is an ancient Jewish heresy, similar to Reform Judaism in some ways. They don't believe in Oral Torah, and, from the article, seem to accept the Reform concept that each individual should determine thier path in Torah. They differ from Reform in that they believe that, however one observes it, all of the Torah is obligatory.)
Well, how do you like that? The government of Israel recognizes marriages and divorces promulgated by one of the oldest Jewish heresies in history, but stiffs the religious practices followed by the majority of the largest (or second largest, or co-largest) Jewish communities in the world. The Israeli government accepts Karaite k'fira, but spit on the American Jews who provide the reason why Israel has any diplomatic support at all among the great Powers. I don't think that we American Jews care whether the Israeli Rabbanut accepts our Judaism, and we don't really care, as the Rabbanut is corrupt, but for the civil government of the state to reject us, even as they try to sucker into believing that "We are one"Today in Israel, Karaites enjoy a relatively undisturbed presence among their rabbinic neighbors.
"In some ways, we have more rights than the Conservative or Reform movements," notes Gordon. "Karaite marriages are recognized by the State of Israel, whereas Conservative or Reform marriages are not. The marriages aren't recognized by the rabbinate, but we don't really care. They are recognized by the state."
Another example of how the State of Israel is not the representative of worldwide k'lal Yisra'el, it is nothing more than a parochial, provincial set of corrupt politicians, who can obnly deal with their own local interests.