Sunday, September 10, 2006

Truth can be found in fiction, but is all fiction truth?

OK, I've got to weigh in on this "Path to 9/11" Mock-udrama.

Here we see a conservative weigh in after much anguished internet pilpul:

There is a double standard, in which the Left believes in "fake but accurate." It's how you get an entertainer like Katie Couric reading the news. Perceptions mean everything; facts are inconveniences.


Is this a texbook example of psychological projection, or what?

The author of the this fine quote should spend some time on Daily Kos, and he'd see that (1) Katie Couric isn't exactly regarded as the standard-bearer of the "Left" (whatever that is), and (2) there was a lot of criticism (though not universal) of Michael Moore from the left. (Our author spends a lot of time obsessing about the innacuracies in Farenheit 9/11.)

More to the point, neither Michael Moore (or Katie Couric, for that matter) are, or ever were, sponsored by the Democratic Party. Whatever "sins" Mr. Moore or Ms. Curic are guilty of are totally irrelevant to this issue. The Democrats, especially the ones defamed in Disney's sorry mutilation of history, have every right to be angry.

Now some of you might say, "CA, you're being a hypocrite! Didn't you write that God should have given us a Torah that was an acknowledge work of fiction that, nonetheless contains truth?" If fiction can contain truth, what's the problem with the Path to 9/11?

Yes, dear readers, I did write that. But there's a difference between a Torah based on an acknowleged fantasy story, and fantasy portraying itself has history. The right-wing concept of "truthiness" little more than the "big lie" gussied up in philosophical BS.

I say you can learn general truth about life, the universe and everything from reading Harry Potter (and also the Torah, even if you believe that the Torah was written by JEPD and YHVH.). That doesn't mean that I believe that there is literally a wizard named Harry Potter or a Ministry of Magic, or that the latest Monsey rabbinical ruling about what to do with the treif chickens was revealed on Sinai by a supernatural God.

The right-wing "truthiness" gurus believ that one can derive specific truths about specific people, policies, political parties, etc. from fiction. They believe that because some yarn-spinner insists that Bil Clinton did nothing about Al-Qeda that Bill Clinton really did do nothing about Al-Qada, even though there's an incredible amount of documentation that he did.

And that's the difference between a fantasy-based Torah, and being divorced from reality.


Blogger Soccer Dad said...

Given that a significant portion of the Democratic leadership were guests of Michael Moore at the premiere of Farenheit 9/11 please explain how I'm "projecting" a connection between Democrats and Michael Moore.

4:47 AM  
Blogger Conservative Apikoris said...

Given that a significant portion of the Democratic leadership were guests of Michael Moore at the premiere of Farenheit 9/11 please explain how I'm "projecting" a connection between Democrats and Michael Moore.

I'm not exactly sure that this event was a lovefest between the Dem Leadership and Mr. Moore:

"There was no hug between "Fahrenheit 9/11" director Michael Moore and Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle at the film's June 23 premiere in Washington, D.C., Daschle said Thursday."

"In a lengthy Time magazine piece about the movie and its political effects, Richard Corliss reported Moore's criticism of Daschle's leadership and the filmmaker's account of a hug with Daschle."

Besides, hiw can you compare the two? I don't seem to recall President Bush threatening to sue Micahel Moore, whereas Bill Clinton went ballistic, and American Airlines is considering suing the PT 9/11 crew for defamation.

Obviously, Bush took no action, becuase he knew he'd loose in court.

1:29 PM  

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